
What is a "genetic reserve"?

A genetic reserve is an area designated for the management and monitoring of the genetic diversity of a plant species in its natural habitat. The occurrences selected for genetic reserves altogether represent the intra-specific diversity of the species and together form the network of genetic reserves.


Model of a genetic reserve: An area contains the growth areas of the target species, the migration areas and the transitional area. In the growing area, ideal growing conditions should be created or maintained for the target occurrence. The migration area is formed by the sites adjacent to the growth area, which are suitable for colonisation by the target species, so that the occurrence can increase or shift due to changes in growth conditions. Ideally, the migration area will be maintained or used in a way that allows colonisation by the species. The growth and migration areas are surrounded by a transition area. It is formed by all types of biotopes potentially suitable for colonisation by the target species within the propagation distance of the target occurrence and the areas in between. Ideally, the maintenance or use of the transitional areas should be carried out in such a way that migration of the target species, in particular the transport of diaspores, is not prevented.
